Actuarial Solutions
Annual Valuation Services
Employer Plan Funding
GASB 68 and GASB 75 Financial Reporting
ACS 715 Financial Reporting
Consulting Services
Plan Design
Funding Projection
Asset Liability Modeling
Plan Termination
and more.
Types of Plans Serviced
Single-employer Pension and Retiree Medical (OPEB)
Public employer Pension and Retiree Medical (OPEB)
Multi-employer Pension
Non-qualified Deferred Compensation (SERP)
Founded in 2010
About Island Actuaries
Island Actuaries is a well established consulting firm providing innovative actuarial solutions to various types of pension plans.

Dave Dougherty

Nina Pileggi
Founded in 2010
About Island Actuaries
Island Actuaries is a well established consulting firm providing innovative actuarial solutions to various types of pension plans.

Dave Dougherty